How do recruiters find the right fit? Preferably, they use their sound judgment based on vast experience. As a recruiter, you need to understand both your clients and candidates, in order to find the perfect match. Some of these facts and figures are clear and traceable on a candidate’s CV. However, many pieces of information remain intangible and blurred on resumes, as are cultural traits, personalities, and professional ambitions. Plus, candidates are real people, and finding a new job is often a harrowing process for them. Should we put a computer in charge of it then, or maybe try a more humane Recruitment Process Outsourcing? What turns out to be truly beneficial, for everybody?
Recruitment Process Outsourcing: people-oriented screening
The starting point is that every candidate is simply unique, and CVs reflect that immensely. In their resumes, people use different languages and wording, stressing various aspects of their careers, interests, or achievements. For this reason, there is no common base by which one may accurately judge a candidate by metrics alone. For example, the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) may withdraw a CV due to the lack of a certain keyword.
Fortunately or unfortunately, technology is simply not yet oriented towards making individual value-based decisions. And our judgment, although it may not be 100% accurate and impartial, beats algorithms hands down anyway. Of course, it should rely on profound knowledge, and long-term experience is simply crucial here. That’s why Big Data obviously won’t replace recruiters any time soon. However, it will undoubtedly change the recruitment process or even the recruitment philosophy – but to what extent? What can we expect in the years to come?
What we already experience is that many companies charge huge amounts for the theoretical solution to the candidate sourcing. They may have viable business models for the future, but only for the biggest 5-10% recruiters in the world. 95% of recruiters, however, only get little extra value to what they currently achieve using good common-sense recruiting methods. This applies to those engaged in the Recruitment Process Outsourcing, as well, of course.
There is an interesting study by Forbes, published last year. It shows that 60% of employers, claim to be integrating Big Data into their procedures. Only 4%, however, have reached the stage of putting predictive analytics to work for them. They are riding a wave of technological change, but this process is yet full of inconsistencies. These are challenges that a human recruiter would not have any issues in overcoming.
Some issues with the use of Big Data
What are those issues, then? The first one lies within the availability of data. If top-level HR Managers leave their LinkedIn profiles blank because of privacy concerns, an algorithm may miss them. If those great HR professionals have not amended their LinkedIn profiles for two years, they may also be overlooked. And remember that there are also thousands of fake HR Director profiles out there, hunting or phishing for connections. A recruiter could just pick up the phone.
The second issue is privacy concerns. Want the success of Big Data in recruitment? Well, it depends on having access to the relevant data of 95% of the candidate pool. And we’re not talking about carefree students posting their Facebook photos here. It rather concerns executives who value their privacy high and take any opportunity to hide their information from outsiders. A recruiter could just pick up the phone.
The last major issue is the integrity of the data. As we have already mentioned, Applicant Tracking Systems are known for erroneously excluding even high-qualified candidates. And as the Big Data algorithms get more compound, the margin for error doesn’t get any smaller but grows. And nothing beats an extensive Boolean search stream on Google combined with 20 quick emails to the best prospects. Or alternatively… A recruiter could just pick up the phone.
Sowelo: Recruitment Process Outsourcing and so much more
At Sowelo Consulting, we pride ourselves on using cutting-edge technology. It’s good to know that our consultants receive constant and regular training on the latest sourcing methods. They know each one of them inside out, all pros and cons, ups and downs. Of course, our advisors have also tried some of these Big Data solutions… And what is the bottom line?
Well, the truth is Big Data is currently still a long way away from beating an experienced industry expert. We’re talking about a skilled and proficient consultant who is well-connected on the main three or four social networks. And is fluent and fast in using the recruiting weapon of choice… his phone.
In-depth knowledge and profound experience in implementing sourcing methods give those brilliant advisors the freedom to act effectively. Some fields of their expertise include Executive Search on the IT/Telco market, or the IT Recruitment, in general. They are great at headhunting, Employer Branding, Talent Market Mapping, and Interim Recruitment, too. One of their specialties is also Recruitment Process Outsourcing. What’s in store, then?
Deciding to use RPO from professional external provider Sowelo is, clients may experience a 20-30% recruitment cost reduction. The HR company will adopt the right headhunting strategy, delivering some of the best programmers on the market. The strategy, the most appropriate in every case, will enable achieving the bigger market share and Return on Investment.
Other RPO advantages include reduction of pricy and time-consuming staff rotation, but also advertising, rent, and software costs. Applying it, we may regain control over both the marketplace and the performance of the current staff. The right Recruitment Process Outsourcing is an excellent weapon in the global war for talent, we all participate in.