Small and inconspicuous things play a crucial role in any kind of activity. It concerns the area of recruitment as well, in which the necessary knowledge and development of the appropriate features and skills give the foundation.
However, the omission of a detail often may have an influence over the final effect of the whole headhunter’s job.
So what kind of issues are good to keep in mind?
Here they are:
Today, more and more professionally-active people can be found on social networking services such as LinkedIn or Golden Line. Sending messages through them begin the recruitment interaction with the potential candidate. Therefore, it is better to pay special attention to this issue. The good news does not have to be short, but rather it should include enough amount of information. The more it will fit the candidate’s profile, the greater chance of getting a positive response it will receive.
Sometimes, the headhunter does not need to reach to valuable candidates, because they are applying for job offer by themselves. To increase the efficiency of this method, it is good to know at what time it is better to use it. Contrary to popular belief, Friday is not a day when new job seekers are most active. This moment falls on… Wednesday. This is the result of the research, in which one million ads were posted over 3 months.1 As you can see, it is definitely worth experiencing it for yourself.
Growth of the Net and social media results in a big drop of the other methods of interaction. However, more traditional methods are still proven to be necessary. One of the method is to obtain references of the candidate, who is already in the process of selection. It is good to remember about this tool also in the cases where candidate does not decide to take part in the recruitment process. Every experienced recruitment specialist hits on a valuable candidate at least a few times thanks to the references.
The issues that have been raised in the above text may seem obvious … after reading. Yes it is, sometimes the simple things are the hardest ones to remember. Headhunter meets regularly with difficulties and unusual situations. If it is possible, it is worth making daily duties easy.
*The conducted survey to order of eQuest.