Following the Rockefeller’s thought “time is money”, we should be aware of the fact that the reduction of the time, which is essential to carry out certain processes in any organization is just cost saving incurred by it as well. What are the reasons that companies save money? There is only one answer – outsourcing.
What’s true is that the concept of production of individual functions of the organization, apart from its structure and transferring them to third-party, is well-known for a long time. However, in Poland, due to the relatively late transformations, it is a relatively fresh action, so you should talk about what you can outsource, especially that our country actually has become a mecca for the world’s business service centers recently *.
Each institution may produce areas that are not the essence of its business, but they will be essential for the appropriate function on the market. External companies often take from the organizations the functions referring to logistics and IT, and all operations that support the wider range of human resources, finance, marketing and sales. Each institution may find areas, where they can save money, especially when the individual processes are not the key factor, and maintaining a separate department is expensive.
One of the most popular processes that are given to the professional companies are all activities related to marketing and advertising. Both main campaigns and marketing activities on a local scale, usually are developed by external agencies. Telemarketing operations play a crucial factor. They specialize in call center, especially in the case of short-term campaign. It happens very often, that the call center takes over from companies the functions related to technical user support of the product or standard customer service. From IT, companies can use both external companies involved in the broadly defined service hardware and software, development of important application, or maintenance the necessary network infrastructure. You don’t have to overpay but depute it to the specialists. Recruitment process outsourcing is also becoming more and more popular, which saves most of our time. Those who want to know more about why the recruitment process outsourcing is pay off, should read the article: https://www.sowelo.eu/blog/why-does-the-rpo-pay-off/. In the case of processes associated with human resources, specialized training companies are used. In the recent years there is the popularity of consultants-specialists which are “rent” to run specific actions, for example, related to the transfer process. Apart from human resource management and IT services, processes related to financial and transaction are usually produced from the company. Outsourcing centers, also specialize in electronic document processing, storing, printing, and e-mail use. These seemingly innocent activities in large companies can be extremely time-consuming and cumbersome.
It does not matter whether the organization chooses recruitment process outsourcing, logistics, marketing, or any other field. It is important to make decision which processes are not value added for the company, produce additional costs, and the transfer will save time and money for a organization.