This is the question which we have to face very often during every recruitment process. It doesn’t matter if we use the direct search method and look for engineers and workers of the high and medium level, or if we use the executive search method and identify the candidates who represent the highest level of management.
That is why we would like to present you some arguments to convince skeptics to cooperation with headhunters..
- You have the possibility to find out about the offer, which is not available on the popular websites. Why? Some employers who are hiring recruitment companies, do not have to put an effort in advertisement of vacancy, because that what headhunters do. After all, the executive search method requires often a confidentiality and discretion.
- We will help you write a CV. We will find the mistakes and tell you what is good to write in your application and what is not. We will adjust your applications to an appropriate workplace and draw your attention to the factors that Hiring Managers are looking for.
- We will not let your application wanders through the company’s system or CV base. Your application will be passed directly into Manager’s hands.
- We will tell you about the recruitment process and we will also follow the stages of the recruitment process. We will help you solve all of the problems or misunderstanding. We are here to help you.
- We will prepare you for the interview. We will tell you about the company and send you some materials about it.
- We will be in touch with the company that you are applying to. Your application will always meet with responds. If they are not interested in your further participation in the process, we will find out what was the reason of it. As a result you will find out what you should improve or what to do in next recruitment process.
- We will answer to all your questions, we will be in touch with you through the all stages of the recruitment process and finally we will help you in negotiation of the agreement conditions.
A lot of people are not aware of the fact that cooperation with a headhunter can bring benefits. They sometimes think that cooperation with a consultant of executive search method can entail decrease of their income in aid of recruitment company which is wrong. People sometimes mislead the two terms: Employment agency and Recruitment company, specialized in headhunting. The first one is an agency, which participates in agreement and then outsource the candidate to work in the external company. We do not sign the contracts up with the candidates, we just recommend their candidature to the potential employer. Headhunter does not meddle in the employee’s income.
Do you now know what to do if you answer our phone next time?