The career in the recruitment means experiencing the whole range of different emotions. One day your mailbox if full with applications and you can easily contact valuable people. What is more, the candidate you almost forgot is unexpectedly employed by your client. Another day, the whole world seems to be against you – nobody answers your phones and the hours spent on the search do not bring the desired effects. Sometimes, executive search brings unbelievable stories which could not be forgotten.
The first story may seem trivial and not worth attention for an experienced recruiter. However, for me, a person at the beginning of his career at that time, this story had a completely different character.
It was my third day at work. Slowly, I got used to my duties. I dialled the number in order to contact the candidate and encourage him to take part in the recruitment process. As soon as I said the first few sentences, my interlocutor got carried away by his emotions… He was outraged with my direct activities and said it was an infringement of his privacy, a disturbance of his peaceful life and a case of downright rudeness. I felt very confused but I tried to behave appropriately in this completely perplexing situation. When the person said that he is going to sue me, I managed to remain my composure and firmness. I said that I am sorry that he interpreted my call in such a way, however, I did not feel guilty. In a professional manner I explained the specificity of my job and assured him that everything is confidential. Fortunately, the uneasy conversation was over.
I hanged up, had a few deep breaths and realised that on that day I did not need a cup of coffee and that executive search is not an easy way. At that time I barely managed to get out of this situation without loosing face. Interestingly, after a year the candidate came back with his CV asking for help in looking for an interesting job on a higher level post. I realised that the day I called him was one of those days when no matter who or why called him, the result would be probably the same.
After a few years in the recruitment I got a task. I thought there would not be any problems with finding the candidates for this specialist managerial position. I was completely wrong. It turned out that there were only few appropriate candidates. After contacting most of them, only one was left and he seemed especially valuable. Unfortunately, the standard methods of contact did not work out.
I had an idea, a bit risky but it could turn out effective… One morning I decided to go to the candidate’s house. The way I got the address is a different story, anyway, it was not an easy task.
I was waiting next to the fence from 5 o’clock in the morning. I wanted to be sure that my target will not escape. My legs stared to go numb and my ears started to freezing, then the doors were opened. It was him, my candidate. He got into his car and was about to pass through the gate. I had to show reflex and calmness otherwise my effort would be wasted. I suddenly felt adrenaline. I knew that I do not have much time so in order to stop my candidate I ran in front of his car’s bonnet. He only just managed to stop. He got out of the car irritated and started to shout at me. I started to explain the whole situation. I do not remember the tone of my voice then as I felt strong emotions. My interlocutor was listening and not saying a word. When I finished my explanation, he still looked at me attentively. It seemed that those few seconds lasted the eternity and then he expressed his admiration for my inventiveness and engagement. He admitted he was taken by surprise and that he appreciated it and agreed to talk with me. I was invited to his house for a cup of hot tea.
It is only just a fragment from the whole range of recruitment cases. Executive search knows a lot of them. The stories in this text are not recruiter’s daily life but the demanding project where the standard methods fail do happen.