If you have ever been put in an awkward position like answering the headhunters call in front of your colleagues from an open space- don’t feel insecure!
There are thousands of people that were supposed to deal with such a situation as well. But strictly, this might be a call with your dream job, the opportunity might never happen again- so what to do not to get exposed?
Believe me or not, but if headhunter calls you even on your business number, it is also in his interest not to reveal his real purpose of the call to anyone else but you. The executive search professional at first are said to be discrete! If the moment when you have received a job offer call is not good for you, what would be desirable is to provide the recruiter with your direct phone number and most suitable time for having such a conversation.
I have heard once, from my about to be a candidate „although I am not interested in taking a credit, I’d like to listen more about other services that you can offer, so here’s my number” or the other one even pretend talking with the sales assistant. As you might notice, not only headhunters are creative ones, when they try not to expose that they are having a conversation with the headhunter.
You need to be enlightened that your employer is not allowed to record your incoming call unless he will inform you earlier, so you can easily take a five and shortly answer to headhunter’s offer. Most often, when the executive search consultant is calling you directly, it means that he has run out of any other ways to contact with you and getting any respond.
It is worth to add, that it’s always better to talk to each other- though this is the easiest way to verify mutual expectations. Moreover, it is always nice to meet somebody that will represent you in front of the client.
If you haven’t received any job offer call yet, maybe it’s a high time to let yourself to get headhunted!
How to make it happen? For more advice, how to make them know you, click here : https://www.sowelo.eu/blog/let-them-know-you/
So if you will ever receive a call from the headhunter, take it easy, remember we are here for you!