Have you ever considered why most of the managing positions are rather being filled by male candidates? Especially, when the half of some greatest prospering businesses in the world are being run by women and only 16 % of them are actual members of board.
Let’s start at the very beginning. Even though it’s 2014, we are still surrounded by onerous stereotypes. While man are said to be not only brave but also born to be a fugleman, women are still seen as too emotional, not able to take risk and being afraid of making responsible decisions.
Stereotypes gave us a short clue that all of the leading positions are not what the females were ever meant to be.
In 2011, the EU Commissioner, Viviane Reding has put a commitment to let women achieve more shares in some biggest companies at the broker’s board (up to 30% till 2015 and up to 40% till 2020). Worth mentioning is the fact that in 2011, the biggest directories were filled only in 12 % by women and what is even more surprising, the 100% of chairmans of the board of directors were male. If none of the action would be made, it is highly possible that any equalizing in this male-female situation would be solved nearly in next 40 years.
It’s a losing game, where the biggest looser is the company which do not exploit the potential of their talented female workers. The research during years shows us how companies with strong female characters became those with better sales and gains results.
Nowadays, more often women are those who lead the innovatory marketing campaigns, runs the biggest company’s transformations and make hard decisions, despite of insufficient role in the directory and being so- called weaker sex.
In her latest interview in 2013, Viviane Reding says how important it get for Europeans to level manning the position- instead of 0,5 % of females in European councils, it has grown up to 2,2 % in only 7 years.
We finally tread on the heels of stereotypes, trying to show how the weaker become the stronger.