The time for reflection and summing-up has come and “it inevitably caught us”. There might be an impression, that the specialists of executive search method are the best in hunting and we won’t get caught. We have to admit that unfortunately we have been caught and we can pin the blame on December time, when we have to write at least a short summary of the last year. If somebody told us to describe the four quarters of a year in a one sentence, we would write “it was a good year”. We know that in our case, this term is not enough to describe all works that we did, but when we have a goal, we achieve it. We can just work miracles.
At the end of 2011 we established a goal and everyone treated this year with a deep reserve. We aimed the target at 100% towards the previous year and it might be impossible to achieve these goals, especially with the same company team. Fortunately, the first quarter lent wings to us when we were like a shock workers aiming a target at 200% 🙂 You know that because after this success we were parachuting. Later it was definitely calmer. In the fourth quarter we fought for a target year and we gained 110%. It was a year full of successes but changes as well. Our team was changed, not in number but in personalities. We are sure that we finally made a dream team, who can achieve the most ambitious aims. Our work requires precision, promptness and constant improvement. Executive search associates with permanent developing search tools and making right marketing decisions. We started the re-branding from the Net conquest. We developed our company website, we run a blog in which we share our experiences and considerations. We also started marking our presence in social media. Therefore, you can follow our work on market and be up to date with our ongoing recruitment projects. We developed tools, which we use and we hope to increase our effectiveness in next year. Moreover, we used them in the third quarter on a shooting range in Kraków 😉
A year full of changes and successes is over now. The team worked hard to achieve goals. The next year and even more changes are yet to come. We are looking forward to new year, new clients, new markets and industries, new place for work, new ambitious goals, and challenges, not only those concerning the executive search method. Meanwhile, we are opening the champagne and expecting well-earned rest in this Christmas time. In January we are coming back with new ideas and energy.
Therefore, we have no choice but to wish You Merry Christmas!